Scam Marshalls

Unfortunately, postal scams remain active within the Staffordshire area where unsuspecting residents are receiving large quantities of unsolicited post through their doors.

These postal scams can take the form of fake clairvoyants offering promises of health & wellbeing. Maybe you’ve come across scam letters suggesting you are in line for a big win involving a release fee or admin charge. Perhaps you’re seeing letters offering inducements to purchase fake health supplements or enter prize draws.

If you are receiving large quantities of unsolicited post of this nature & want to be become involved in tracking down these criminals, we want to hear from you. Your Trading Standards team are looking to recruit new Scam Marshalls who are willing to share their experiences of being scammed & send in their unwanted scam post to us. This in turn helps us to keep abreast of new developments & track down the criminals behind these scams. Those that sign up for the scheme, receive a monthly newsletter & a freepost mail bag to forward scam post to us free of charge.

If this is something you would like to get involved with, please reach email us at

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