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Walking Bus Survey

Walking Buses can be a fantastic way to cut congestion and parking issues around your school, as well as being a sustainable way of travelling, cutting air pollution and helping to fight climate change.
They are supported by Staffordshire County Council's Active School Travel Team, which will have increased capacity from September 2024 onwards, and we are looking to either re-establish old Walking Buses or support new ones around the county.

We know that as many as 170 Walking Buses were once established at schools around Staffordshire, but following the Covid-19 pandemic many of these Walking Buses stopped running and have not been re-established since.
Please complete this survey to let us know:
A: if you previously had a Walking Bus at your school, and if it was successful or not.
B: if you have never had a Walking Bus at your school but would like to know more about Walking Bus.

The questionnaire will take less than 5 minutes to complete.

0% answered

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters



Have you previously had a Walking Bus operating to/from your school

* required