The vision

    The new Local Transport Plan provides an opportunity for us to refocus our transport policies and programmes under a unifying vision. The proposed vision is by 2050 Staffordshire will have:

    A net-zero transport system that supports sustainable economic prosperity, healthy, safe and inclusive communities, and excellent quality of life for residents, whilst seeking to enhance the built and natural environments.

    What will the Local Transport Plan look like?

    The Local Transport Plan will be made up of two documents:

    Part 1: A strategy plan that sets out the vision for the transport network, together with the policies, plans and programmes of schemes to deliver that vision. It includes walking, cycling, wheeling, public transport, rail, car-based travel and freight, together with the management and maintenance of local roads and footways. This Local Transport Plan will also include digital connectivity, spatial planning and behavioural change. The strategy plan will cover the period 2025-2050, aligning with the Government's target to decarbonise the transport system by 2050.

    Part 2: An implementation plan that sets out the specific schemes that will be delivered between 2025-2030, together with the sources of funding, and monitoring and evaluation processes to ensure delivery is on track. The implementation plan will be updated annually.

    Several themed and district-based strategies sit beneath the Local Transport Plan 

    How this Local Transport Plan is different?

    The new Local Transport Plan is proposing to reshape how Staffordshire's transport network is managed and maintained. It will: 

    • Use spatial and transport planning to design places for people, rather than for motor vehicles and accommodating their growth.

    • Seek to play its role in meeting the UK's target to decarbonise the transport system by 2050.

    • Reduce reliance on petrol and diesel vehicles


    • Give residents, visitors and businesses a choice of high quality travel options;

    • Deliver a transport system that promotes prosperous, healthy places by supporting sustainable economic growth and promoting active lifestyles.


    Which strategies support the Local Transport Plan?

    The Local Transport Plan will be supported by a number of strategies, designed to help deliver its priorities. They explain the policies within the Local Transport Plan in much greater detail. The strategies are:

    • Staffordshire Highways Design Code
       Sets out the general principles and minimum standards for the layout and dimensions of roads and paved areas in residential and industrial developments.


    • Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)
      Promotes walking and cycling with the aim of encouraging physical activity, reducing congestion on roads and improving air quality in our congested areas.


    • Passenger Rail & Rail Freight Strategy
      Seeks to ensure that rail services are accessible, convenient, inclusive, and attractive to both passengers and the freight industry when compared to alternative, road based options.


    • Digital Connectivity Strategy
       Encourages greater coverage, choice and speed of web and mobile services, which will enable our residents and businesses to use digital solutions to improve their lives, grow their businesses, and reduce the need to travel.


    • Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)
      Sets out how - in partnership with local bus operators, district councils, and other stakeholders - we will enhance bus services and further improve the bus offer to residents and visitors.


    • Rights of Way Improvement Plan (RoWIP)
      Aims to create a network of rights of way that is relevant for today’s needs, supports the rural economy and tourism offer, and improves the health and quality of life of residents and visitors.


    • District Integrated Transport Strategies x 8
      Sets out the challenges and opportunities specific to each of the county's districts. They provide a local context to the Local Transport Plan's Implementation and aim to facilitate the delivery of the Local Plan.


    • Transport Decarbonisation Strategy
      Sets out the commitment and actions needed to decarbonise the county's transport network. It includes our pathway to net zero transport by 2050, the wider benefits net zero transport can deliver, and the principles that underpin our approach to delivering net zero transport.


    • Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy
      Facilitates electric vehicle uptake through the development of a high-quality, comprehensive network of electric vehicle chargepoints across the county, contributing towards the UK's target to decarbonise the transport network by 2050.


    • Bus Information & Infrastructure Strategy
      Aims to ensure that the design of bus infrastructure is constructed to a consistently high quality, is operationally efficient, and is integrated within its locality. In so doing, the strategy strives to ensure that sustainable transport generally, and public transport more specifically, is increasingly considered as an attractive alternative to other motorised transport modes.


    • Shared Mobility Strategy
      This Strategy will help us to enhance travel by bus, train, coach, taxi and private hire vehicles, and community transport. It also helps us to improve access to travel information and develop more ticketing options.


    • Highway Asset Infrastructure Management Plan (HAIMP)
      The HAIMP contains detailed guidance on how we will maintain the highway network, including roads, footpaths, bridges, street lighting, drainage, etc.


    • Road Traffic & Network Management Strategy (including Road Freight)
      This strategy will detail how we manage and make the best use of our roads to relieve congestion and improve safety of all road users, including pedestrians and cyclists.

    Key milestones

    April – September 2024

    Informal engagement with residents, businesses, and key partners to understand what’s important to them.


    November 2024 

    Create the first draft of the Local Transport Plan.


    Early 2025

    Public Consultation.


    Early 2025

    Share the outcomes of the consultation.


    Early 2025

    Re-write the Local Transport Plan to include consultation feedback.


    Early 2025

    Local Transport Plan taken to Staffordshire County Council’s cabinet for approval.


    April 2025

    Local Transport Plan published on the Staffordshire County Council website.


    Sustainability appraisals

    As we develop LTP4, it will be regularly assessed to see how social, economic and environmental factors are being affected. Any negative impacts will be reduced or removed. 

    The following assessments will form LTP4's Integrated Sustainability Appraisal (ISA): 

    • Strategic Environmental Assessment (SA/SEA)
    • Health Impact Assessment (HIA)
    • Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)
    • Community Safety Assessment (CSA)