Expansion of funded childcare capital funding

This form should be completed by childcare providers or schools with potential plans to increase the number of childcare places that can be offered.  

Expressions of interest will allow the local authority to plan for the two projects and provide the DfE with accurate information on the creation of places. 

If your project meets the requirements and is in an area of need you will then be invited to complete an application form. Please submit expression of interest by 31st May 2024.

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Expression of interest guidance (please read)

The DfE has issued local authorities with capital funding to support the expansion of funded childcare places. This funding will be used by Staffordshire County Council to provide funding to providers to support them to expand to increase the number of places that they can offer. This supports the local authority’s duty to provide sufficient childcare, particularly those working parents who are eligible for funded childcare.

The funding should be specifically used for ensuring sufficient places for children taking up an early years place through the expanded entitlement for working parents.

Examples of appropriate projects: 

Projects that enable and/or increase access to childcare places for eligible children.

Projects that adapt, re-model or improve existing childcare places to make them suitable for a wider range of needs. 

These could be achieved through: 

Expansion of existing childcare provision, including expanding existing provision to a different or additional site.

Remodelling of existing provision to create additional capacity.

Creation of new childcare places, whether via the creation of new settings, or expanding provision in existing providers.

The local authority will not fund extensions to premises if there is already a room in the premises that is not in use. If there is an unregistered room that could be used, then we would expect this to be converted before an application would be considered for an extension.

This grant funding is not intended for:

  • Routine maintenance or refurbishment of premises.
  • Capital works to maintain and improve the condition of the school estate.
  • Childcare providers not providing early years entitlements.

What is capital funding and what does it cover?

Funding for capital projects would result in tangible assets (i.e. assets with physical substance) that are expected to be used for more than 1 year. This must support the expansion of places. Examples would include:

  • Building modifications and renovations (including refurbishment that supports extending the number of places)
  • Purchase of furniture, fixtures and fittings
  • Purchase of play equipment / fencing, including installation if required
  • Purchase of IT Equipment
  • Improvements to storage
  • Purchase of Vehicles (tax is revenue)

The grant does not cover routine maintenance or refurbishment of premises.

Who can submit an expression of interest?

The following organisations are invited to submit expressions of interest prior to applying for funding:

  • Private, voluntary and independent providers and childminders who are on the local authority’s directory of providers who deliver free childcare and early education for two, three and four year olds.
  • Schools and academies currently looking to reduce their age range.
  • Nursery schools.
  • New providers – evidence of suitable experience will be required.

Providing quotes

The local authority is developing the application process. It is likely that three written quotes will be required for any work that is to be carried out. Quotes are not required at the ‘expression of interest’ stage.

Which areas is the LA targeting?

The local authority has carried out a sufficiency assessment in relation to the expansion. Whilst some areas of Staffordshire require more additional childcare places than others, we are accepting applications from providers in all wards of the county. Applications should clearly set out information on the current and expected increases in demand in your area and for your provision. Each expression of interest will be reviewed individually with the sufficiency of childcare being a key factor in the decision-making process.

Expectations of applicants

The local authority has the following expectations of providers applying for funding:

  • Providers may contribute their own funding to support the project and therefore provide better value for money. This will be considered to have evidenced commitment to the long-term viability of the project.
  • Providers should not consider that an expression of interest for funding is a guarantee of a grant being approved.
  • Providers must sign a grant agreement, issued to successful applicants by the local authority.
  • The local authority will not fund running costs.
  • The local authority will not fund any work that has already been carried out. Any work started prior to the signing of the grant agreement is entirely at the risk of the applicant.
  • Previous unsuccessful applicants may apply if their application is for different work than the previous application, or if a key part of the application (e.g. cost or Ofsted grade) has significantly changed.

Scoring and evaluation criteria

The local authority will review all expressions of interest submitted by providers. If your project meets the requirements and is in an area of need you will then be invited to complete a full application form. The following criteria will then be used by the funding panel to score applications. The final decision rests with the panel.

  • Sufficiency – Does data suggest that additional places are required?
  • Value for money – How many places per £ are being created?
  • Contributions to funding to enhance value for money.
  • Quality of provision – Judged by Ofsted.
  • Ownership / length of lease – evidence that the provision is secure in the short term.
  • How quickly the applicant could provide additional places.
  • Evidence of financial sustainability – accounts and/or business plan.

Important dates

The funding panel will review all expressions of interest by 31 May 2024. All providers that have completed an expression of interest will be contacted in early June.